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    Machunka D&R s.r.o.

    Machunka D&R s.r.o.

    Invoicing address
    registered office of the company

    Ružinovská 40

    821 03 Bratislava

    city ​​District Ružinov

    Slovak republic

    Correspondence address
    operation of the company

    Brnianska 1719

    911 05 Trenčín

    Slovak republic

    +421 0903 212 352


    IČO: 47 245 786

    identification number

    IČ DPH: SK2023690581

    identification number for VAT

    Company registered in register of companies in country court in Trenčin, liner number: 28231/R. Supervisory body: Inspectorate SOI (Slovak business inspectorate) in Prievidza – Trenčin district, Address: Sladkovičova 11, 971 01 Prievidza

    - Statement of register of companies

    - ISO certificate

    - Register of carriers and eligible persons in CD


    +421 0903 212 352




    +421 32 6520830

    Lubomír Igaz
    +421 902 920 481 | en

    Branislav Mistrík
    +421 902 920 486 | de

    Ján Vácval
    +421 902 920 496 | en

    Nadežda Ondrejková
    +421 904 308 523 | de

    RAAL: 1P9

    TIMOCOM: 236 290

    Company headquarters - Truck transport Machunka D&R s.r.o.

    where to find us